5 Healthcare Technologies, Predictions, and Trends 2022

Digitized Information has never been more important than it’s right now. Data is becoming an increasingly critical factor in healthcare, as cyber security, compliance, and the need for interoperability compete for providers’ attention.

Considering the trends below, your healthcare practice should prioritize, a cloud-based electronic health record (EHR/EMR), a digital fax solution,  and data security in order to stay current on the latest tech advancements in the healthcare industry. Read on to understand these important trends.

1.      HIPPA-Compliance and The 21st Century Cures Act

A major healthcare development in healthcare technology relates to HIPPA of 1996 and how it links to more recent 21st-century Cures Act as the value of data increases.

The Cures Act, which was passed into law in 2016, places a significant emphasis on information and access, both for patients and providers, with the aim of advancing interoperability. This act mandated the development of national standards to prevent the disclosure of patient’s health information without their consent- an important aspect of secure, digital faxing for healthcare practices. 

Secure patient portal access can assist in ensuring that patients have quick and easy access to electronic health information without delay. Making sure that its policies on each statute are consistent with one another is a smart starting step for a practice dealing with HIPPA-compliant intricacies. However, improved communication between healthcare providers and patients is crucial since the value-based care model places patients at its heart.

2.      Healthcare Data Security and Policy Comes to the Forefront

 While technological advances have accelerated the implementation of the value-based care model, cyber-attacks, and other security lapses have drawn attention to systemic problems, prompting healthcare managers to dig deeper.

Cyber security breaches have significantly increased in the healthcare sector. Compared to other U.S. industries, the healthcare sector has a higher incidence of them. It is frequently stated that the healthcare sector is susceptible because of the continuous usage of antiquated technology like EHRs with inadequate security measures. Choosing an EMR that integrates into a secure digital fax solution can alleviate many of the shortcomings of traditional communication. 

On such breach, released by IBM, cost $9.23 million in 2021. While an MGMA stat poll conducted on February 15, 2022, unveiled that 16% of healthcare providers reported having experienced some type of Ransomware in 2021. According to MGMA, organized attacks on smaller enterprises frequently start with a low financial aim, despite the fact that larger targets may receive more attention.

In light of these facts, several practices have chosen to switch from on-premise servers to cloud-based EHRs. Healthcare practices can have some peace of mind with solutions such as, automated version upgrades, cloud infrastructure and security layers, plus integration into a secure, HIPAA compliant fax solution such as Medsender. 

3.      Telehealth is Here to Stay

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, patients, and healthcare professionals relied on other cutting-edge medical technology. Another top technology trend for 2022 is telemedicine, of which there are several notable examples. At the start of the pandemic, other payers as well as the centers for Medicare and medical services expanded access to telehealth reimbursement. Today, numerous patients take part in virtual visits and appreciate efax for streamlining their health records.

A lot of clinics that started offering telehealth services during the pandemic have switched from their original telehealth system to a virtual care solution. Practices can provide telehealth without disrupting their existing workflows by using an integrated solution and leveraging secure digital technologies to streamline practice-patient communication. 

4.      Device Integration Shines Light On Security, Compliance Concerns

Wearable technologies and customized techniques for monitoring and managing specific medical treatments and services have grown in popularity at the same time as personalized medicine and the usage of interconnected technologies.

Given the possible vulnerabilities of residential internet services, privacy concerns, and potential data breaches, Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) continue to build additional security layers. It’s critical these patients have assurance that their medical information will be kept private and confidential.

Healthcare privacy concerns should be managed not just for patients but it is critical to ensure compliance with national laws. With the increase in RPM and smart devices, practices must transition to web-based EHRs and HIPAA-compliant fax solutions. 

5.      Burnout Continues

Outside of the strain of the pandemic,  significant staff turnover, labor shortages, and lack of resources required to offer top-tier care are some causes of burnout that healthcare staff have discussed on social media.

To assure payment for services through accurate and timely reimbursement fillings, providers already have to work through time-consuming procedures. Prior authorization was expected to reduce some of this stress, but instead, it has increased the strain and contributed to burnout, which turns fuels labor shortages, perpetuating the vicious cycle.

In this case, the goal is to spend more time with patients and enhance their experiences while ensuring the bottom line doesn’t suffer. Any technology that lessens burnout and stress could aid the practice in achieving its goals.

Nowadays, automation is the best healthcare technology and trend 2022 since it gives trained staff and provides valuable time back in their day. Moreover, automation can improve or access the information for patients in compliance with the cures act, and provides support to healthcare providers too. Medsender’s AI platform, automates much of the data entry by automatically mapping records to patient charts. 

What next? 

Before the epidemic, the healthcare sector was evolving. Practices now face a landscape that is more complex and nuanced as a result of it.

New technology demands learning and adjustments, but it provides new opportunities to automate tasks and bring much relief to healthcare providers.

So, what are you waiting for? Act now and be a part of emerging healthcare technologies and trends. Join hundred of healthcare professionals that leverage Medsender’s automated, HIPAA compliant fax solution. 

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